Consumer Insights
Market Research
Idea Generation
Brand Consultancy
It is the nature of consumer insights that they are difficult to grasp at times. But they are everywhere.
At Fourth Monkey, it is our believe that consumer insights can be unearthed through a creative and innovative yet complete approach. It is through the utmost attention to detail, the fine print between the lines, behind what consumer's are willing to tell you, and ultimately how this information is decoded and put into simple and powerful findings.
Unearting consumer insights is a challenge in each project, and by doing so, we utilize an array of special methods and processes - never off the shelf, and always tailor-made to the client's requirements.
If you must know about the methods and approaches used, consider this: direct contact with consumers, all sorts of qualitative market research methods, creative insight and idea generation sessions as well as desk research coupled with a deep in-house digging for available information.
For each project, an objective-based specific approach will be recommended and
put in place.
Doing market research is easy.
Making market research good is a skill.
Creating powerful learnings from market research is a gift.
And, listening to the learning is a virtue.
Conducting mind-turning market research is what we do.
All research projects get the special attention they require: The quest for the WHY! to get to this WOW! when interrogating consumers.
At Fourth Monkey, we are working with a network of like-minded research individuals who believe that one of the most important questions is why things are happening. We dig into the emotional, social and cultural implications to get to the deeper, and underlying motives that drive behaviours and opinions. Using consumer language is of fundamental importance.
The full array of qualitative market research methods is at the client's disposal: group discussions, single in-depth interviews, triads, pairs, and everything inbetween.
These can be done box standard, or highly creative and adventurous - as much as the client is willing to follow our recommendation.
In addition, we work with partner agencies (online and offline) in case we are required to quantify findings.
It is only consequential that riveting consumer insights are being turned into relevant new product and communication ideas.
At Fourth Monkey, we are skilled and experienced to run creative idea generation sessions - elevating newly found consumer insights into something meaningful, something that touches both, the head and the heart.
For those sessions, we have a small and elaborate group of individuals and professionals at our hands that can augment any creative session to its fullest extent - from e.g. designers, psychologists to architects.
And if we need consumers, we can organize those as well without doubt.
The buzzword here is co-creation.
Sessions usually run over the course of a full day though it is not recommended to limit oneself from the start: Anything is possible from a full process that can take up considerable time down to quick half-day sessions.
It all depends on the project, and will be tailor-made.
Think lateral.
Brands are everywhere.
They influence our mind, our decisions day-in and day-out.
They live a life of their own sometimes, and do not respond or talk to us in the intended way.
Sometimes they provoke, and sometimes they have answers.
They have devoted friends and followers as well as those that don't want to have anything to do with them.
The worst thing you can say about a brand is that it's "nice" - and this verdict comes with all the intricate meaning that this word entails.
However, differentiating brand, creating identity and the reason of being, understanding how they operate in an ever-changing world is becoming more and more complex, and inevitable.
At Fourth Monkey, we are using our unique combination of experience and expertise in both, brand development and market research to help brands to become themselves again.
Strategically (and rationally) think of brand positioning, brand differentiation, brand portfolio, brand value and what's at the core of your brand that will elevate you from the competition.
Think, insightful brand consultancy, consumer-inspired, strategically.
Verbraucher erkennen.
Ideen finden.
Erfolgreich im Markt nutzen.
Understanding consumers.
Creating ideas.
For success in the market place.
Fourth Monkey
Market Research & Marketing Consulting
Hermann-Litzendorf-Str. 21
D-23942 Dassow
+49 172 1516 216
info at